Lookups:   31418
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      Managed by W6BSD
QTH:Redwood City
Country:United States
Web: http://0x9900.com/
Email: Hidden
United States
ITU: 6
County:San Mateo
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W6BSD's Bio

Feel free to explore my radio projects by visiting my website at https://0x9900.com/.

I regularly update my QSOs on LOTW and QRZ.com.

Thank you for following my call.

I obtained my ham general license in February 2017 and my Extra license in May 2017. After almost a year of mainly operating in portable mode, I've finally set up my radio shack. I use an IC-7200 with an IT-100 antenna tuner for digital work. For Phone, I use a Yaesu FT-891. My primary home antenna is a Hustler 4BTV with 42 radials. Due to living in the suburbs with limited backyard space, my radial network isn't optimal. Additionally, my QTH is in a densely populated urban area with significant background electrical noise on lower bands such as 80 and 40 meters.

While my preferred mode of operation remains Phone, I also enjoy working with digital modes such as PSK31, Contestia, Thor, and MFSK. Additionally, I explore fun and less common digital modes like Feld Hellschreiber. Recently, I've delved into Digital Voice modes on VHF and UHF with C4FM and DMR.

At home, I use several hot spots based on an MMDVM hat on a Raspberry-PI, primarily for C4FM with my FT-70D. For fun and educational purposes, I operate a Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) room named BAYAREA YSF, cross-linking it with the DMR talkgroup #311433, enabling friends on the West Coast and Europe to connect and discuss radio.

Talks and Presentations

I have given a few talks at radio clubs in California and Oregon. If you want to have one of my presentations at your club, don't hesitate to contact me.

List of presentations:

73, and I look forward to having a QSO with you on HF or on the BAYAREA-YSF reflector.




Solar and Band Activity

Lately, I have been working on https://bsdworld.org/ to provide solar insights, band activity analysis, and the know-how to ace radio communication by tapping into the sun&rsquo mood swings. You will find below some of the graphs available on that website. You can also get these useful graphs by subscribing to the Telegram bot SunFluxBot.

Examples of graphs you will find on bsdworld.org

Solar Activity forecast

Sun Spot Numbers

HF propagation for North America

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