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      Managed by AI4FR
Name:John Whitt
QTH:Dade City Florida
Country:United States
Email: Hidden
John R Whitt
17030 Palamino Lake Dr
Dade City, FL 33523
United States
Licensed since:Hidden
ITU: 8
QSL via: AI4FR

DMR radio is on, call anytime 3103932.

Picture below is my typical HF WSJT set up. I run 8 instances of WSJT monitoring both the FT4 and FT8 segments on several bands. For 2m and 6m I run a different configuration to not only monitor FT4 and FT8 but also modes such as MSK144. I bounce from monitor to monitor attempting to work any new calls for a particular band and mode. All 8 instances read and write to a single WSJT log file. Thus logging a station on any instance of WSJT causes all instances to know that the station has been log on that particular band and mode.

The picture below is how I accomplish the 8 slices aka 8 instances of WSJT. The Flex 6700 allows for 8 receivers to be in operation at one time. The Flex is attached to an SPE Expert Linear 1.5k Series 2 which has a lightning fast auto tuner. In the picture below the 12m band is the active TX slice. To make any other band active I simply click on the TX above and to the right of the frequency. That instanly changes the band and amplifer(antenna tuner) and I am ready to go. From there I would double click a call sign in WSJT. In short, 3 mouse clicks and I am calling a station on another band and if need be also employing the amplifier. I run similar configurations for other modes such as CW, SSB, etc.

I've turned off the spotting feature for the picture below otherwsie there would be callsigns posted above the signals. I often run the panadapter zoomed out to catch any DX stations running in Fox mode a short distance away from the usual FT8 segment.


Thank you for stopping by. I became an official ham on August 10, 1993 and was issued the call KE4ECY. Then I made the move to extra class on August 12, 2003 and again was issued a sequential call sign of AI4FR.

IMPORTANT: If we have worked before, please stop by to say hello again even if we have a number of QSO's on the same band and mode. I enjoy every QSO and really appreciate you taking the time to stop by even if it's just for a signal report. Plus I am always experimenting so PLEASE PLEASE inform me of any issues with my transmitted signal. I will not bite your head off but rather will be most grateful to you for taking the time to do so.

If we are in a QSO and you are reading this then lets talk about our hobbies as they may be the same. Mine include the outdoors, firearms, classic cars, farm life, and restoring tube radios. If nothing there peaks your interest then please introduce me to your hobbies. You never know, maybe I will be able to add to the list above after our QSO. I also enjoy military history and collecting military items from the civil war to Vietnam. This goes without saying the honor it is to be able to talk with any veteran. Thank you again for my freedoms.

Antennas = Not much more then a wire tossed out the window or some thing up in a tree. Actually, according to the woke ARRL that wire self identifies as a 200 foot high monster all band yagi. Isn't "diversity" GREAT!! For those in the real world all wire antennas were installed with an air cannon from my wheelchair. For HF(160 - 17m) I use a 270' OCF dipole up 30' and on occasion a 102' G5RV also up about 30 feet, an A99(17m - 10M) up about 35 feet at the feed point, A Par OA-50(6m) up 10 feet. For VHF I have a Diamond X50A(2m and 70cm) up 10 feet.

Operation = 160 meters through 23cm using all modes including DMR(TG 1776), DSTAR(XLX817 B) & Fusion(YSF96442 FOXHOLE). The reflectors shown prior are very quiet so please stop by and give me a call. Chances are it'll be just you and I in there. Truth be told I am just getting into DSTAR and Fusion and am looking for a home. Any suggestions?

I strongly feel that the ham community is a fraternity of wonderful people that are always there to help out. And as such, I would also be more then happy to help any one, at any time, any way that I can. Please feel free to email me about any thing. Together, there is no problem that we can not solve.

My motto has always been 100% ham-spirit in every sense of the word.

QSO and QSL info = Check logbook status and who is in it. I upload the logbook to eQSL, LOTW, HRDlog, HamQTH(unlimited callsign look up's), QRZ, and Club Log daily and/or weekly. I also reply to all paper QSL's in the same manner that I receive them. If for some reason you have sent a QSL but never got a reply shoot me an email and I will get another one right out. The QSO and QSL info link above can also be used to find out if I have recently received your QSL card.

The ARRL has gone WOKE! They speak of pronouns, Diversity, Inclusion and Equity(DIE). Yet they segregate hams by calling us OM verses YL and XYL. Maybe the ARRL can kindly explain the gender of a male PL259 vs the female PL259 if the male PL259 believes it is a female PL259. How about I identify as a life member of the ARRL. Will the ARRL be so diverse and inclusive with my delusion to grant me all such rights and privileges that come with life membership? NO they will not. So now I see the ARRL as WAS/WERE. My membership in this WOKE organization expires in Nov. 2022 and it will not be renewed until the ARRL reverses course and apologizes to its membership. I will also not participate in any ARRL events, contests, field day, scholarship programs, etc. It would be nice if the ARRL would just stick to radio and not promote mentally ill beliefs that change from day to day. Feelings do not apply the same to everyone but facts do. Hence there are but two genders. EDIT: Here we are one year later(2-17-23) and the ARRL has not granted me life membership even though I self identify as such. This is proof positive that they only desire one type of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity. Maybe tomorrow I'll self identify as the owner of the ARRL. Any guesses on how inclusive they'll be to that?

Woke = A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

Log book graph at eQSL:

The AI4FR shack...

Special thanks to IW2ENA for his help with the above shack picture.

View as you walk into the shack door.

Clubs I am a member of. Please email me if I qualify to be a member of your club.

10-10              = 74192  Ten-Ten International
30MDG          = 8923   30 Meter Digital Group
ARS               = 2255   Adventure Radio Society
BDM              = 5790   Belgium Digital Modes Club
CDG               = 1861   CROATIAN DIGITAL GROUP
CTC                = 1.693  Croatian Telegraphy Club
DMC               = 469    Digital Modes Club
DMR               = 3103932 DMR ID (not a club)     
EPC                 = 123    European PSK Club
ERC                 = 2085   European ROS club   
Feld Hell          = FH 223 Feld Hell
FISTS              = 11184 FISTS
FPQRP            = 1377   Flying Pigs QRP Club
FT8DMC         = 3184   FT8 Digital Mode Club
INDEXA         = 4106   International DX Assoc.
MQFD             =        Monthly QRP Field Day Group
NAQCC           = 630    North American QRP CW Club
NDG                = 2923   Natal Digital Group     
NEQRP            = 664    New England QRP club
NorCal QRP    = N/A    NorCAL QRP Club
OMISS            = 5105   OM International Sideband Soceity
OTW               = OM248  Oceans of The world
PODXS           = 2604   PODXS 070 Club
QRP ARCI     = 12733  QRP Amateur Radio Club International
QRPp-I           =        QRPp International
RAGCHEW   = 475    Ragchewers club Tampa Florida
RCC               = 43     Rag Chewer's Club (part of the SPAR club)
SIX                = 2375   SIX METER WORLD WIDE SIX CLUB
SKCC            = 2041   Straight Key Century Club
SMIRK          = 6631   Six Meters International Radio Klub
SOC               = 704    Second class operators
SPAR             =        Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio  
SUNCOAST  = 2107HC Sun-Coast Chapter 10-10 International

I'm a Volunteer Examiner Coordinator with the W5YI VEC program and an ARRL accredited VEC.

I also hold an FCC issued General Mobile Radio Service(GMRS) call sign which is WRFC981.

Profile pic: My 1965 Corvette Stingray. If there ever was something more fun than amateur radio...

Thank you once again for stopping by and I'll be looking forward to the next time we meet.

The Shack



73, John

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