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      Managed by G7SKR
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Licensed since 1994. Currently active on 160m to 23cms, voice and data modes and occasionally CW from an Icom IC-7300 and Icom IC-9100. Active SOTA chaser and occasional activator using a Yaesu FT-857D and wire dipoles. HF and VHF Contest Participant. QSL via Bureau.

I also occasionally dabble in satellites using my Comet GP-98 Colinear or X-Quad 2m and 70cm aerials. Currently I use manual doppler correction tuning which is quite easy for the FM birds and much more difficult for the linear transponders! Ham Radio Deluxe is used for real-time orbit prediction and doppler calculations.

Member of Warrington Amateur Radio Club

Please drop by my web site too: www.g7skr.com



Icom IC-9100 (HF, 6m, 2m, 70cm, 23cm all modes plus D-Star)

Icom IC-7300 (HF, 6m, 4m all modes)

Yaesu FT-857D (HF, 6m, 2m, 70cms all modes)

FlexRadio Systems Flex-1500 SDR (HF, 6m all modes)

Icom ID-E880 mobile (2m, 70cm FM and D-Star)

Yaesu FT-290R mkI (2m all modes)

Yaesu FT-790R mkI (70cms all modes)

Tait T2000ii (4m FM 70.400 - 70.475 only)

Alinco DJ-G7E (2m, 70cms, 23cms handheld FM)

Yaesu FT-11R (2m handheld FM)

Palstar KH-6 (6m handheld FM)

Yupiteru MVT-7100 (100kHz - 1.65 GHz scanner all modes)



80m (and 40/20/17/12/10m) OCF dipole @ 8 metres AGL (from corner of house)

X-Quad 2m and X-Quad 70cm on AZ-EL Rotator @ 9 metres

SHF Design 2328 28-element 23cms Yagi on AZ-EL Rotator @ 9 metres

Comet GP-98 tri-band Colinear for 2m / 70cms / 23cms @ 9 metres

Homebrew 4m dipole (vertical polarisation) @ 8 metres

Wideband Discone for 25MHz to 2GHz @ 8 metres

Home-brew 160m (top band) wire vertical held aloft on a 10 metre (33ft) long fishing pole. Not a permanent installation - built for RSGB Club Calls contest, November 2008.

Comprising: 8.5m (28ft) bottom section, 80uH, 62mm (2.5") diameter loading coil near the top of the pole and then a further 10 metres of wire up to the top and then sloping at around 45 degrees to a fence. 32 equally spaced radials each 5 metres (16ft) long laid on top of the ground.

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