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      Managed by K4MPS
Name:Mike Shields
QTH:Royal Palm Beach
Country:United States
Email: k4mps@yahoo.com
Michael P Shields
2898 Bellarosa Cir
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
United States
Licensed since:Hidden
ITU, CQ: 8, 5
County:Palm Beach
QSL via:

Welcome to the Official K4MPS HamQTH Page - Home of THE UNDERWATER HAM!

The name is Mike Shields, based out of Royal Palm Beach Florida.

When i'm not making DX contacts you will usually find me on a complex technical wreck dive or inside of an underwater cave on my rebreather equipment.  South Florida, where I am from, has some of the best scuba diving in the world and I am very passionate about talking about diving, the ocean, and all of the facinating things that can be seen in the aquatic world on radio.

Combining diving with HAM Radio has been a unique pursuit and THE UNDERWATER HAM has become quite a successful endeavor.

In the near future myself and my collegues may setup a diving related Net.  If the Net launches more info will be posted here, and  we'll encourage all to join the international conversation regarding our world's oceans and diving. Until then I will find you on the air.


Running Baofeng F8-HP for the 2m and 70cm bands and running an Icom 7300 for 10-80m.  Alpha Antenna FMJ HD to ensure no issues running the equipment with our HOA.  The whole setup can be made portable and run out of the SUV right at the scuba diving site!

I use MacLogger DX for all logging purposes and connect it to WSTJ-X for digital modes.  Learning how to use FLDIGI as well for additional modes.


LOTW is preferred first, followed by QRZ Log.

I'll upload my QSO's to EQSL to help folks who use that site, but it is not something I regularly use.

Bureau cards and direct with SASE are much appreciated !!

COOL SCUBA VIDEOS TO WATCH:  https://www.youtube.com/@MikeShields827


K4MPS (Mike Shields)

Previous: KO4JCW, KZ4JT


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