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      Managed by KI6ZIF
QTH:San Jose
Country:United States
Email: Hidden
United States
Licensed since:Hidden
ITU: 6
County:Santa Clara
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Howdy from 6 land.

I'm Chris,
My radio interest started as a wee pup around age 8 when I got my first walkie talkie set. A year or so after, my dad took notice of my growing interest in radios. I was soon tasked with helping my dad dust off some old CB gear, and getting it all back up on the air. Sharing an interest in radio with my dad, was the key here. I then took interest in some of what appeared to me as much more advanced radios that some of my friends dads had setup.  I was around 12-13 years old when I was introduced to Amateur radio via KM6LV (previously KB6RGJ). Quickly there after my friends and I started picking up handheld CB radios, and using those while bicycle and motorcycle riding. I guess you could say, the bug had bit me.  For years afterwards I dabbled with CB radios, and two-way radios of multiple types (all license free radios sadly so we were fairly limited).

As a young man struggling through college and working through early adulthood, hobbies slipped away from my free time.

I met my to be wife around 2002, and was married a few years later. I can't thank her enough for pushing me to get back into some hobbies I had left behind. R/C vehicles and planes, and Radios.  So in 2009, I began studying for the Technician test. I took the test in May 2009. Passed with 0 missed, and was prodded by the VE's to take a stab at the General test, which I had only studied a wee bit for. I passed missing only 3.

I've held my General License since May 12th, 2009. And then I finally began studying for Extra in March of 2024. Took a roll of the dice and earned my upgrade to Extra on the 15th anniversary of my license. 

Recently dip'd my toes into the Meshtastic world. You can find me as
!e33bc5d0  If you know, you know.

I'm still continuing to explore the world of radio signals.

I can normally be found in the HF bands (extra special thanks to W1TXT for getting me interested in HF!) particularly 10-80m, usually working Digital Modes. Coming soon, you may even find me calling CQ POTA from a park.

I log via:, ARRL LoTW,,, HamQTH and ClubLog
I Will gladly send E-QSL cards, or QSL cards to those that request one.

If you're playing on Digital Modes (Note: I am not the author nor affilated with these, but I strongly endorse them):

  • On Windows: You should be running a time sync tool, like Dimension 4, NetTime, or: Domain Time
  • Not using GridTracker to visually see and push your QSO's out to your other log tools you're missing out big time!

My Current Gear:

  • Yaesu FTDX-3000.
  • ACOM 500S.
  • ACOM 06AT, AT-600ProII (backup).
  • Astron SS-30M.
  • Radioddity DB25-D Mini.
  • Anytone AT-D878UV.
  • PI-Spot DMR Hotspot.
  • Buckmaster OCF 4 Band Dipole.

Field (Mobile & POTA):

  • Yaesu FT-891.
  • LDG Z-11ProII, AT-600-ProII (backup).
  • Anytone AT-D878UV.
  • Motorola Astro 25 XTL 2500.
  • Diamond NR770HB.
  • Chelegance JPC-12 Portable HF Vertical.

73's - KI6ZIF


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