Lookups:   3822
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Thibaut Geoffroy
Rue de Sart,48
Villers-La-Ville 1495
Licensed since:Hidden
ITU: 27
QSL via: ON6BS

Born in 1973

HAM radio in 2000.

Studies: Applied Electronics at the University of Labour, Charleroi.

Grid Square : JO20gn

Equipment :

- Kenwood TS 430S for bands from 40 to 10 meters, SSB-AM-FM-CW.

- Kenwood TS 870 for bands from 160 to 40 meters, SSB-AM-CW.

- Yaesu FT-897 for bands from 160 to 6 meters, SSB-AM-FM-CW-RRTY-PSK31 and other digital mode, and VHF SSB 2m

- Yaesu FT-920 for bands from 160 to 6 meter, SSB-CW-AM-FM-DATA.

- Yaesu FT-1000MP for bands from 160 to 10 meter, SSB-CW-AM-FM-DATA.

- Icom IC-910H, 100W, for 2m and 70cm bands.

- Levy (dipole) 2x17,5 meters, inverted V, 13 meters over the ground, for bands from 40 to 10 meters.

- De Kerf pylône 2x8m + 6m mast - Yaesu G-2800DXA antenna rotator

- 2x10 éléments Kushcraft (combined antennas) for 2m band SSB

- Old antenna : Loop antenna, 85 meters, 6 meters over the ground, for bands from 160 to 40 meters.

- Old antennas :HB433DX, 3 ELEMENT TRI-BANDER   (20, 15 and 10m)

- New antennas : Mosley TA-53M (20, 17, 15, 12, 10m) (Installed may 22, 2020)

- Ameritron AL-811 Amplifier with 3x572B tube (500W approximately)

- 1,2 kW Power Amplifier with GU43B tube

- 400 W Power Amplifier for 2m band, Beko HLV-400



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