Lookups:   428
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      Managed by PU3GAP
Name:Amilton Passos
QTH:Santa Maria - RS
Web: www.amiltonpassos.com
Email: pu3gap@gmail.com
ITU: 15
QSL via:



I am PU3GAP - Amilton Passos ∴

I am a Brazilian Army Veteran, I was a military motorcyclist, conquered the Iron Butt challenge (Member nº 11.309), I am a writer and I was a musician and conductor of a symphony orchestra. Today I travel with my family and I always take my mobile station with me to contact friends from other regions.


In the 70's, influenced by my father's hobby, I started listening to radios in OC, maintaining this activity until today with the radio call sign SWLR - PY3387SWL.

In 1985, I joined the radio activities of Banda do Cidadão (CB) with the callsign PX3B7109, today PX3Q068.

In 2000 I joined the "Class D" Radio Amateur modality with the callsign ZZ3AMP.
Today I am in "Class C" with callsign PU3GAP.

I am operating in HF, UHF e VHF, Digital Voice (DMR, EchoLink e Zello), Digital Mo

des (FT8 e FT4) and Satellite modes.

My thanks to the "godfathers" PY3LK Jairo, PY3RG Rogério, PY3DXM Daniel, who taught me this journey.

I confirm QSL in QRZ, eQSL, LOTW, HDRLOG and ClubLog.

DMR - TG72452
VHF - 146.520 (mobile)
Echolink - Sala Gaúcha
Email - pu3gap@gmail.com
Blog - www.amiltonpassos.com

Hope to meet you by QRG.

Source Activity Date time
DXC DX de K6RC: 28074.7 PU3GAP 1850Z 2024-04-02 18:50:00
DXC DX de PY4OY: 21074.0 PU3GAP FT8 -18dB 1920Hz 1957Z 2024-03-26 19:57:00
DXC DX de LU1EAF: 21074.0 PU3GAP FT8 73 1806Z 2023-11-27 18:06:00
DXC DX de PY1MHZ: 50313.0 PU3GAP FT8 -17 dB 584 Hz 1800Z 2023-10-28 18:00:00
DXC DX de AA5HH: 28075.2 PU3GAP 2356Z 2023-09-05 23:56:00
DXC DX de LU8DRH: 24915.4 PU3GAP FT8 Send -12 Rcvd -21 1331Z 2023-05-07 13:31:00
DXC DX de PY5CAP: 28074.0 PU3GAP ft8 2119Z 2023-05-01 21:19:00
DXC DX de PY4XYZ: 21074.0 PU3GAP FT8 -17dB from GG30 1510Hz 1353 2023-04-24 13:53:00
DXC DX de LU4DRH: 28075.2 PU3GAP FT8 Send -10 Rcvd -10 1711Z 2023-04-23 17:11:00
DXC DX de LU6YR: 28074.0 PU3GAP FT8 db-01 From FF51 1965 Hz TNX QS 2023-04-02 13:24:00
DXC DX de CE4LSK: 28074.0 PU3GAP tnx qso FT8 2048Z 2023-03-24 20:48:00
DXC DX de JG1TSG: 50313.0 PU3GAP 515Hz tu call 0232Z 2023-03-20 02:32:00
DXC DX de ZL2CC: 24915.0 PU3GAP FT8 -13dB from GG30 1501Hz 2057Z 2023-03-14 20:57:00
DXC DX de LU6YR: 28180.0 PU3GAP FT4 db+08 from FF51 1965 Hz TNX QSO 2023-03-12 17:36:00
DXC DX de LU6YR: 21074.0 PU3GAP FT8 db-03 from FF51 1965 Hz TNX QSO 2023-03-09 21:30:00
DXC DX de CE4LSK: 21074.0 PU3GAP tnx qso FT8 1845Z 2023-03-08 18:45:00
DXC DX de LU6YR: 21074.0 PU3GAP FT8 db-07 From FF51 1965 Hz TNX.QSO 2022-12-21 20:35:00
DXC DX de LU6YR: 28074.0 PU3GAP FT8 db-06 From FF51 1965 Hz TNX QSO 2022-11-04 15:56:00