Name: | William |
QTH: | Circleville |
Country: | United States |
Grid: | EM89 |
Email: | |
William J Pietschman | |
2273 Walnut Creek Pike | |
Circleville, OH 43113 | |
United States | |
Licensed since: | Hidden |
Born: | Hidden |
ITU: | 8 |
CQ: | 4 |
State: | OH |
County: | Pickaway |
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I also hold the following (lifetime)
Commercial Radio Licenses from the (USA) Federal Communications Commission:
Radiotelegraph Operator (License # T000000126)
GROL (License # PG00044070)
GMDSS Operator/Maintainer with Ship Radar Endorsement (License # DB00000966)
You might also hear me operating from Canada, as W8LV/VE3 .
Yep, I'm Half Irish... you say you couldn't tell?
Member, Royal Order of the Wouff Hong
W8LV Station Tour and Bio:
I have been licenced since 1994, originally as KB8QPE. My first QSO was with WB7PRH(sk). My radio hobby started with a Remco "Billy Wizard" Crystal radio that my Grandmother Hilda purchased from a salvage store in Cleveland, Ohio. After following the build instructions and adding a bit of aerial wire, I could hear our Local 1450 AM station WLEC in Sandusky, Ohio, ("And here now is Karl Bates with "This and That" being introduced by announcer Bill Brock) and with a bit MORE aerial wire, in came WJR Detroit ("From the Golden Tower of the Fisher Building, Here's J.P. McCarthy!") and CKLW (mp3 Sound File Jingle "CKLW.The Motor City") broadcasting from Windsor, Ontario.
The W8LV Front Porch.
Wow! I used to have this radio (mine was blue, not yellow) on the window sill next to my bed, so I could easily reach the earphone and tune the radio's little slider control as I laid in my bed at night, and I listened EVERY night! Forget dumb girls, baseball, AND hockey. . . I was on top of the world. I kept adding more and more wire to the aerial...and then it happened.
Adding MORE aerial wire to bring in more distant stations caused a bit of a problem. . . as my aerial was struck by lightning from one of our famous Lake Erie storms! Luckily, VERY luckily, we were away from home at the time. . . but my Remco Billy Wizard Crystal Radio was reduced to a molten pile of blue plastic, stuck fast to the window sill, a mere memory of it's former brilliance and elegance in art deco AND "Advanced Electronic Design"! (well that's what the box said. . . ) All that remained was a short piece of the aerial, (as the rest had disappeared to wherever "Copper Heaven" is, I reckoned).
All that remained was the little tuner "slider" control knob, all melted, (never to slide ever again!) the ground wire, still wrapped around the outside water faucet, as did the house (good thing) and finally, the earphone, hanging sadly from the melted blue plastic blob on the window sill like a dead spider dangling from its web! How can God do such things to an eight year old boy, I thought? Maybe it had SOMETHING to do with "borrowing" my Dad's outdoor extension cord, carefully stripping off all of the orange insulation with a steak knife, and then splitting the wires apart and joining them all together to make one long Super Aerial. . . but gee whiz (and holy smokes!) wasn't this a bit of extreme retribution, I thought. . . Plus, I was sure DAD hadn't even so much as missed the cord yet, so how did GOD figure it out anyway? Sadly, I placed the earphone in my ear, closed my teary eyes and listened, dreaming of all the big signals it used to pick up. And. . . lo and behold. . . there was the sound of WLEC coming out of the earphone in it's 1,000 watt glory, which must have been the station that I tuned in when I last used the radio before falling upon such childhood disaster. So I was sort of "fixed frequency", you might say...for a while.
Eyeball QSO.
I made up for lost time by working quite a bit of DX via our TV antenna, as we were near water and only twelve miles away from the Canadian Border, but NEVER when it even looked like a "hint" of nasty clouds in the sky, or my Dad would give me Hell. like he had to? NO WAY was I going to play with the television if it looked bad outside! I recall watching Buggs Bunny cartoons dubbed in French. It was fun, although television just doesn't have the same magic as radio somehow, or at least it never has for me (other than having "THE KNACK" for fixing them). . . But, in fairly short time (seemed like ages), God apparently saw the error of his ways, and sent me a rainbow disguised as a Patron Saint:
Did the FCC just drive by?
Back in the days when televisions required frequent servicing and maintenance our local TV repairman, Carl Fuhr, gave me a "Sonora" Model RET 210 shortwave radio on one of his many repair visits to our home. I can still see him coming up our walkway, carrying a big suitcase-sized "tube caddy" with the "RCA" logo emblazoned on the side of it. To me, he was a magician as he used his "degaussing coil" on our picture tube, and all the colours of the rainbow would flow around the screen just like the Northern Lights! Now thusly equipped with a shortwave receiver, I could hear the BBC, CBC/RCI, Radio Havana, Radio Moscow (Now Voice of Russia) , Deutche Welle, Radio Sweden, Swiss Radio International, HCJB, and All India Radio just to name a few. Also, those mysterious "Numbers" stations. . . what a THRILL all of this was for a kid before the instant NEWS world of CNN and the Internet! Later I used an analog "Channel Master" Model 6252A VHF receiver, so I could monitor the Lake Erie freighter traffic via the Great Lakes coastal station WMI in Lorain,Ohio, and my Great Uncle Bud Gerold (CB'er KL0 0608, sk) let me borrow his prized Zenith Transoceanic Model H-500, so now I was monitoring Utility stations with one shortwave radio whilst listening to Broadcasts on the other!
Entering the Station...
I had two nice elmers, Earl Carrier, K8WLP(sk) who hand made me flash cards to learn Morse Code, and a bit later in life, Dan Thompson, KB8QZQ(sk) who FINALLY got me interested in and motivated enough to obtain my ham ticket, as I was always too busy with family (six kids) work or college to do so before.
Advanced Communications Facility....Ummmmm....No.
Back in Sandusky High School, I took Vocational Communications Electronics, and ended up with a vocational diploma in 1978 even though I was also a "college prep" kid, so I had the best of both worlds. I sure liked playing with vacuum tubes! We had a lot of WWII surplus parts to work with, and little else. How fondly I recall opening up those little brown cardboard packages of surplus components with dates like 1943 on them, and the servicing and repair of televisions, but especially the "All American Five Tube" sets, which were cleverly designed and actually made to be repaired! Mr. (Tom) Burkholder was my instructor. . . he was not a ham, but he WAS from Lima, Ohio and so thusly introduced me to the military surplus treasures to be obtained literally for fractions of pennies on the dollar from good old Fair Radio Sales located there. Many kids from my age group learned electronics via these WWII surplus parts, they were ruggedly built, very forgiving of errors unlike the IC chips of today, and allowed those of us of modest means the basic affordability to persue electronics. The FIRST time I drove a car it was to Universal Electronics in Reynoldsburg, Ohio and the SECOND time was to Fair Radio! that a roll of solder on the floor?
God apparently has a fairly long memory, as when I was operating at our former residence under my old callsign of KB8QPE, on the air using a Heathkit SB-301 receiver/SB-401 transmitter that I borrowed (and rehabbed) from Greg, KG8IJ, I got struck by lightning. I received minor damage (glad I didn't have headphones on), and the radio damage whatsoever! Now if I could just do as good with the Ohio Lottery . . .
Looking the other way...And the solution to all technical problems is found
on the counter....Namely, "The Beer" and "The Hammer".
All of these years later, I STILL enjoy DX listening as well as transmitting, and these days most of my AM ("mediumwave" everywhere else but in North America) DX listening is done with both digital (model SRF-M37W) and analog (model SRF-59SILVER) Sony Walkman radios, since they go "everywhere" I go, and of course with the car radio. I am also lucky to have SiriusXM radio that came installed in my Toyota Prius for the BBC NEWS and the Classic Radio shows XM feed (or directly here: I like to use the Sony MP3 player model number NWZ-A728 since it will hold many hours of downloaded internet radio and music, and now, more so, an Android cellphone is my "podcatcher of choice." My current favourite all around portable radio is the Eton G3 Globe Traveler , for AM, FM and Shortwave DXing. Especially for the AM band, I like the TECSUN Model PL-606 (which comes equipped with a DSP chip!) I also like the Sony ICF-S10MK2 for both AM and FM. Its hard to beat a nice little pocket radio like this that isn't junk, available at K-Mart for twelve greenbacks, or even less!
A Ham's Kitchen, for sure! Complete with binoculars for those cold nights
when I forget which coil tap was set on the antenna!
I operate (usually) QRP CW mode with a Yaesu Model FT-450D Transceiver into a portable fold-up Terlin(Australia) Outbacker Outpost Antenna. and a (Declawed) Ten Tec Scout Model 555 that now serves as the "backup" set. I also have a Yaesu VX-7 that I use with an "Arrow" Antenna to work satellites and I enjoy working "portable" with the MFJ 9040 and Ten Tec Model 1340 rigs, a 12 volt battery, and a Buddipole Antenna.
Computer Rack on a budget...
My "Method" for HF QRP is to study propagation very closely, and then then make a determination based on the propagation results and the dictates my personal schedule as to when I can operate. ACE-HF(which was orginally developed for U.S. Navy submarine communications) is the BEST software that I have found for HF propagation forecasting. USING PROPAGATION SOFTWARE HAS MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE! Another handy and FREE real time HF propagation tool is VOACAP Online with nice explanations of how it all works by NA5N,ON4AA, and AE4RV. A Real time VHF propagation map and explanation of VHF (and UHF) Propagation are found here and here.
Mixer on a budget...
In 1977, while a student at Sandusky High School, I attempted to create an ion cloud "reflector" for radio waves, the premise being that if I could produce a "relatively" stationary "cloud" high above an antenna, I could bounce a signal off of said "ion cloud" and it would act just like an artificial minature layer of the ionosphere. This attempt was unsuccessful but interesting nonetheless(?) and is found here , which in retrospect I have coined the "mini HAARP Project" because it reminds me quite a bit of what these guys are/were up to, though my budget was a wee bit less than theirs. . .
You can never have too many keys, no matter what ANY XYL says...
So There!
My 2002 experiments in the Extra Low Frequency band (3kHz to 30 kHz) with a modified WR-3 Receiver are here. Briefly, I was able to successfully monitor VLF time signals and (Russian?) submarines THROUGH THE GROUND via metal stakes placed in a Ross County, Ohio Farm field (far away from power lines.THANKS TOM!), and also found that I detect the static fields from moving objects. As all objects in motion SHOULD interact with ions and produce static fields, I hypothesize that all moving objects should thus produce individual static "signatures". (Hmmm. I wonder if a STATIC signature always exists for EVERY moving object, regardless of physical shape…) Stephen P. Mcgreevey manufactures receivers for this portion of the radio spectrum.
Yaesu FT450D, LDG Autotuner, and QJE Switching Power Supply.
I am a Member of the Morse Telegraph Club and like to use the Standard American Morse Code (also known as "Railroad Morse") in addition to International Morse code, and this is done via the Internet. I also enjoy using Echolink. My favourite "straight key" is the Speed-X. I use two main "bugs" , the Vibroplex for Railroad Morse, and on the radio or via CWCom Online, the CW Touchkeyer Model P1PAD key from WA1JOS Sumner , though sometimes I do use a set of Model BY-2 Iambic Paddles (ever try to use just ONE paddle??)
I am also FISTS member #13631 and member #12144 of the QRP Amateur Radio Club International.
The Ten Tec Scout Model 555, purchased in 1995,
and now used as a backup rig.
I also built an experimental Podcast studio here, where I sporadically produce The Buckyecast
This is also the location of Telegraph Station "OH" (Circleville, Ohio, USA) operating with the old (American) Railroad Morse Code, connecting via the Morse KOB programme, which can be downloaded at Morse , and you can check the current activity on the Morse KOB Server.
The W8LV Basement Workbench. The microscope is used for SMD work.
I enjoy listening to International Shortwave Station WBCQ "The Planet" You can hear WBCQ directly by shortwave or via the the live studio board feed. WBCQ's station engineer, Owner, and Operator is Patriot Allan Weiner of former Radio Newyork International fame who formerly albeit briefly ran a station from the M.V. Sarah. I also enjoy listening to Johnny Lightning and The Gang over at the 11L/RNI Network via WBCQ or by the Live (and Encore) Internet Feed. Please listen to and consider supporting these worthy causes.
My eyes got older, and components got smaller, making the microscope a required item in the shack.
That resistor in only 2mm x 1mm !
Thanks to these folks who roll up their sleeves and make a difference in all our lives:
The ARRL and Gordon West, WB6NOA helped me to obtain my licence goals, and I am always grateful to them for their promotion of amateur radio, and also THANKS to Bob Heil, K9EID and Joe Walsh, WB6ACU for their support of both amateur radio AND the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum located in Cleveland, Ohio. Bob and Joe have a nice videocast called Ham Nation. From Ham Nation and AmateurlogicTV, I find that I am always learning NEW THINGS. Radio History I find also fascinating, a Great site is American Radio History and a GREAT place to visit is the Museum of Radio and Technology
located in Huntington, West Virginia AWESOME Slide tour! AWESOME VIDEO TOUR!
Time to melt some solder...
Now over well over fifty years old, I am still just as fascinated by radio now as when I was as a boy!
Always a sudent of science, currently I am working with magnetohydrodynamics, and you can see one of my first trial runs with an electromagnetic pump here:
"Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Experiment - Simulated Blood Flow"
The Outbacker Antenna....Outback!
The W8LV Garden. Luckily, the electric fence to keep the deer away doesn't interfere with reception.
To Steal a Quote from the Honda Motorcycle Company: "You Meet the Nicest People On a QRP Rig."
EARLY Morning is the best time DX time with Australia.
I Hope to work you on the bands and, as always, "Hope To See You In Dayton!"
Backyard Sunset at W8LV's QTH...and of course that means it's time for Grey Line Propagation!
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat."
-Albert Einstein
"And we, who are all that is left of the old engineers and mechanics, are turning our hands to salvage the world. We have ideas in common; the freemasonry of efficiency--the brotherhood of science. We are the natural trustees of civilization when everything else has failed."
-H.G.Wells (Things to Come)
"I'll put a girdle round about the Earth in forty minutes."
-Puck (Midsummer Night's Dream, ii. 2.)
"Heck, I can do that in less than 0.142857 of a second!"-Any Radio Operator
An XYL and her OM HAM, Circa 1952.... when Schlitz Beer was king.
Source | Activity | Date time |
RBN | DX de DL0LA-#: 28056.5 W8LV CW 12 dB 30 WPM CQ 1717Z | 2025-02-16 17:17:14 |
RBN | DX de NG7M-#: 28056.5 W8LV CW 20 dB 30 WPM CQ 1712Z | 2025-02-16 17:12:26 |
RBN | DX de KM3T-2-#: 7016.5 W8LV CW 32 dB 32 WPM CQ 2347Z | 2025-02-15 23:47:02 |
RBN | DX de W3DAN-#: 1826.3 W8LV CW 11 dB 30 WPM CQ 2348Z | 2025-01-25 23:48:21 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-6-#: 1819.8 W8LV CW 5 dB 30 WPM CQ 0433Z | 2025-01-25 04:33:45 |
RBN | DX de AC0C-1-#: 1837.9 W8LV CW 20 dB 30 WPM CQ 0205Z | 2025-01-25 02:05:02 |
RBN | DX de WS2C-#: 14055.1 W8LV CW 16 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:54 |
RBN | DX de W6YX-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 6 dB 12 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:53 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 12 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:49 |
RBN | DX de W3RGA-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 25 dB 12 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:45 |
RBN | DX de KM3T-3-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 19 dB 12 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:45 |
RBN | DX de VE3EID-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 22 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:26 |
RBN | DX de KD2OGR-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 13 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:25 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-2-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 23 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:25 |
RBN | DX de W3OA-#: 14055.1 W8LV CW 20 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:25 |
RBN | DX de K1RA-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 20 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:24 |
RBN | DX de N2CR-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 10 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:24 |
RBN | DX de WB6BEE-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 12 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:24 |
RBN | DX de K3PA-1-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:24 |
RBN | DX de ZF9CW-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 16 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:23 |
RBN | DX de K5TR-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 18 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:23 |
RBN | DX de KM3T-5-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:21 |
RBN | DX de WC2L-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 14 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:21 |
RBN | DX de W2NAF-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 16 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:21 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-6-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 20 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:19 |
RBN | DX de N9CO-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 34 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:19 |
RBN | DX de KM3T-2-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 23 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:19 |
RBN | DX de K9IMM-#: 14055.0 W8LV CW 23 dB 13 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2025-01-17 17:33:18 |
RBN | DX de WE9V-#: 14065.9 W8LV CW 7 dB 13 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:53 |
RBN | DX de W2NAF-#: 14066.0 W8LV CW 15 dB 13 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:51 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14066.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 14 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:38 |
RBN | DX de KM3T-2-#: 14066.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 14 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:37 |
RBN | DX de W3OA-#: 14066.1 W8LV CW 11 dB 14 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:36 |
RBN | DX de K9IMM-#: 14066.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 13 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:36 |
RBN | DX de WC2L-#: 14066.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 14 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:35 |
RBN | DX de W3RGA-#: 14066.0 W8LV CW 18 dB 14 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:34 |
RBN | DX de KM3T-3-#: 14066.0 W8LV CW 9 dB 14 WPM CQ 1724Z | 2025-01-17 17:24:33 |
RBN | DX de W8WTS-#: 1821.6 W8LV CW 6 dB 26 WPM CQ 0605Z | 2024-12-29 06:05:06 |
RBN | DX de WB6BEE-#: 1821.6 W8LV CW 4 dB 29 WPM CQ 0449Z | 2024-12-29 04:49:18 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-2-#: 1829.5 W8LV CW 8 dB 26 WPM CQ 0835Z | 2024-12-08 08:35:33 |
RBN | DX de VE3EID-#: 1829.4 W8LV CW 33 dB 26 WPM CQ 0724Z | 2024-12-08 07:24:54 |
RBN | DX de VE3EID-#: 1829.9 W8LV CW 29 dB 26 WPM CQ 0706Z | 2024-12-08 07:06:28 |
RBN | DX de K2PO/7-#: 1829.9 W8LV CW 17 dB 26 WPM CQ 0705Z | 2024-12-08 07:05:24 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-6-#: 1830.0 W8LV CW 28 dB 26 WPM CQ 0651Z | 2024-12-08 06:51:09 |
RBN | DX de VE3EID-#: 1813.8 W8LV CW 32 dB 29 WPM CQ 0609Z | 2024-12-08 06:09:30 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-6-#: 1816.4 W8LV CW 9 dB 27 WPM CQ 0503Z | 2024-12-08 05:03:22 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-6-#: 1816.3 W8LV CW 8 dB 28 WPM CQ 0449Z | 2024-12-08 04:49:03 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-6-#: 1816.0 W8LV CW 13 dB 28 WPM CQ 0241Z | 2024-12-08 02:41:22 |
RBN | DX de W3RGA-#: 1839.6 W8LV CW 8 dB 28 WPM CQ 1152Z | 2024-12-07 11:52:09 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-2-#: 1839.8 W8LV CW 10 dB 26 WPM CQ 1101Z | 2024-12-07 11:01:12 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 1837.8 W8LV CW 12 dB 26 WPM CQ 0913Z | 2024-12-07 09:13:43 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 1837.8 W8LV CW 13 dB 27 WPM CQ 0852Z | 2024-12-07 08:52:48 |
RBN | DX de AC0C-1-#: 1833.9 W8LV CW 20 dB 32 WPM CQ 0641Z | 2024-12-07 06:41:48 |
RBN | DX de AC0C-1-#: 1833.9 W8LV CW 10 dB 31 WPM CQ 0628Z | 2024-12-07 06:28:23 |
RBN | DX de VE6JY-#: 1833.9 W8LV CW 5 dB 31 WPM CQ 0628Z | 2024-12-07 06:28:14 |
RBN | DX de VE6JY-#: 1833.8 W8LV CW 11 dB 30 WPM CQ 0611Z | 2024-12-07 06:11:02 |
RBN | DX de KM3T-3-#: 1833.8 W8LV CW 4 dB 32 WPM CQ 0611Z | 2024-12-07 06:11:00 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 1833.0 W8LV CW 4 dB 32 WPM CQ 0601Z | 2024-12-07 06:01:55 |
RBN | DX de N9CO-#: 1820.2 W8LV CW 10 dB 28 WPM CQ 0324Z | 2024-12-07 03:24:57 |
RBN | DX de W8WTS-#: 1812.2 W8LV CW 6 dB 30 WPM CQ 0252Z | 2024-12-07 02:52:21 |
RBN | DX de VE3EID-#: 1829.4 W8LV CW 41 dB 30 WPM CQ 2323Z | 2024-12-06 23:23:18 |
RBN | DX de WE9V-#: 14002.0 W8LV CW 7 dB 27 WPM CQ 2158Z | 2024-12-03 21:58:27 |
RBN | DX de VE3EID-#: 28012.0 W8LV CW 15 dB 30 WPM CQ 2255Z | 2024-11-24 22:55:18 |
RBN | DX de DL0PF-#: 21004.3 W8LV CW 12 dB 31 WPM CQ 1806Z | 2024-11-24 18:06:55 |
RBN | DX de DC8YZ-#: 21003.3 W8LV CW 11 dB 31 WPM CQ 1803Z | 2024-11-24 18:03:06 |
RBN | DX de G4ZFE-#: 21003.3 W8LV CW 10 dB 30 WPM CQ 1726Z | 2024-11-24 17:26:30 |
RBN | DX de DL0PF-#: 21003.6 W8LV CW 18 dB 30 WPM CQ 1721Z | 2024-11-24 17:21:12 |
RBN | DX de F6IIT-#: 28064.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 30 WPM CQ 1637Z | 2024-11-24 16:37:07 |
RBN | DX de DL9GTB-#: 28064.1 W8LV CW 4 dB 31 WPM CQ 1631Z | 2024-11-24 16:31:39 |
RBN | DX de DF2CK-#: 28064.1 W8LV CW 11 dB 30 WPM CQ 1617Z | 2024-11-24 16:17:14 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 28064.1 W8LV CW 29 dB 30 WPM CQ 1611Z | 2024-11-24 16:11:45 |
RBN | DX de CT7ANO-#: 28058.8 W8LV CW 9 dB 31 WPM CQ 1549Z | 2024-11-24 15:49:13 |
RBN | DX de SE5E-#: 28058.6 W8LV CW 10 dB 31 WPM CQ 1545Z | 2024-11-24 15:45:55 |
RBN | DX de WV4P-#: 28058.7 W8LV CW 27 dB 31 WPM CQ 1544Z | 2024-11-24 15:44:09 |
RBN | DX de SE5E-#: 28058.6 W8LV CW 10 dB 31 WPM CQ 1535Z | 2024-11-24 15:35:33 |
RBN | DX de NU4F-#: 28004.9 W8LV CW 5 dB 30 WPM CQ 1937Z | 2024-11-23 19:37:19 |
RBN | DX de K6FOD-#: 21002.7 W8LV CW 4 dB 30 WPM CQ 1914Z | 2024-11-23 19:14:34 |
RBN | DX de CT7ANO-#: 7027.6 W8LV CW 10 dB 30 WPM CQ 0558Z | 2024-11-23 05:58:14 |
RBN | DX de WS3W-#: 7000.6 W8LV CW 6 dB 28 WPM CQ 2339Z | 2024-11-22 23:39:55 |
RBN | DX de K7CO-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 4 dB 13 WPM CQ 0440Z | 2024-11-16 04:40:10 |
RBN | DX de K5EM-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 7 dB 13 WPM CQ 0440Z | 2024-11-16 04:40:08 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 6 dB 12 WPM CQ 0439Z | 2024-11-16 04:39:43 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 26 dB 12 WPM CQ 0439Z | 2024-11-16 04:39:41 |
RBN | DX de KA7OEI-#: 14005.0 W8LV CW 26 dB 13 WPM CQ 0344Z | 2024-11-16 03:44:34 |
RBN | DX de KA7OEI-#: 14005.0 W8LV CW 29 dB 14 WPM CQ 0334Z | 2024-11-16 03:34:13 |
RBN | DX de NG7M-#: 14005.0 W8LV CW 9 dB 13 WPM CQ 0334Z | 2024-11-16 03:34:08 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14005.0 W8LV CW 13 dB 13 WPM CQ 0333Z | 2024-11-16 03:33:27 |
RBN | DX de VE6WZ-#: 14005.1 W8LV CW 18 dB 13 WPM CQ 0333Z | 2024-11-16 03:33:22 |
RBN | DX de K7CO-#: 14005.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 13 WPM CQ 0333Z | 2024-11-16 03:33:10 |
RBN | DX de K2PO/7-#: 14005.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 13 WPM CQ 0333Z | 2024-11-16 03:33:05 |
RBN | DX de W8WTS-#: 14001.0 W8LV CW 4 dB 20 WPM CQ 1557Z | 2024-11-06 15:57:34 |
RBN | DX de S50ARX-#: 7025.2 W8LV CW 14 dB 30 WPM CQ 0049Z | 2024-11-04 00:49:11 |
RBN | DX de NU4F-#: 7025.2 W8LV CW 8 dB 30 WPM CQ 0047Z | 2024-11-04 00:47:18 |
RBN | DX de EA1URA-#: 7025.2 W8LV CW 6 dB 29 WPM CQ 2342Z | 2024-11-03 23:42:32 |
RBN | DX de KV4TT-#: 7025.2 W8LV CW 12 dB 31 WPM CQ 2330Z | 2024-11-03 23:30:42 |
RBN | DX de K7CO-#: 14015.8 W8LV CW 22 dB 28 WPM CQ 2210Z | 2024-11-03 22:10:40 |
RBN | DX de WC2L-#: 28023.3 W8LV CW 21 dB 24 WPM CQ 2043Z | 2024-11-03 20:43:45 |
RBN | DX de DL1HWS-#: 14045.3 W8LV CW 6 dB 31 WPM CQ 1935Z | 2024-11-03 19:35:41 |
RBN | DX de WS2C-#: 14043.6 W8LV CW 17 dB 31 WPM CQ 1842Z | 2024-11-03 18:42:32 |
RBN | DX de SM7IUN-#: 21046.5 W8LV CW 4 dB 30 WPM CQ 1741Z | 2024-11-03 17:41:58 |
RBN | DX de 2E0INH-#: 21046.5 W8LV CW 2 dB 32 WPM CQ 1736Z | 2024-11-03 17:36:55 |
RBN | DX de DL8TG-#: 21046.5 W8LV CW 7 dB 31 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2024-11-03 17:33:59 |
RBN | DX de DL1HWS-3-#: 21046.5 W8LV CW 9 dB 31 WPM CQ 1733Z | 2024-11-03 17:33:12 |
RBN | DX de MM0ZBH-#: 21036.6 W8LV CW 8 dB 31 WPM CQ 1709Z | 2024-11-03 17:09:59 |
RBN | DX de NG7M-#: 28022.0 W8LV CW 14 dB 31 WPM CQ 1611Z | 2024-11-03 16:11:37 |
RBN | DX de OE9GHV-#: 21026.0 W8LV CW 2 dB 31 WPM CQ 1558Z | 2024-11-03 15:58:22 |
RBN | DX de N2QT-#: 7026.9 W8LV CW 12 dB 30 WPM CQ 1413Z | 2024-11-03 14:13:11 |
RBN | DX de AA0O-#: 3527.4 W8LV CW 4 dB 31 WPM CQ 0330Z | 2024-11-03 03:30:50 |
RBN | DX de IK4VET-#: 7043.1 W8LV CW 8 dB 32 WPM CQ 0259Z | 2024-11-03 02:59:36 |
RBN | DX de IK4VET-#: 7043.1 W8LV CW 4 dB 30 WPM CQ 0239Z | 2024-11-03 02:39:07 |
RBN | DX de IK4VET-#: 7043.1 W8LV CW 8 dB 31 WPM CQ 0225Z | 2024-11-03 02:25:55 |
RBN | DX de S53A-#: 7043.1 W8LV CW 11 dB 29 WPM CQ 0225Z | 2024-11-03 02:25:32 |
RBN | DX de K6FOD-#: 7043.1 W8LV CW 7 dB 30 WPM CQ 0200Z | 2024-11-03 02:00:12 |
RBN | DX de DF2CK-#: 7030.1 W8LV CW 7 dB 30 WPM CQ 0140Z | 2024-11-03 01:40:06 |
RBN | DX de NU4F-#: 7030.0 W8LV CW 6 dB 29 WPM CQ 0131Z | 2024-11-03 01:31:46 |
RBN | DX de WB6BEE-#: 7030.0 W8LV CW 21 dB 30 WPM CQ 0128Z | 2024-11-03 01:28:49 |
RBN | DX de K9IMM-#: 14038.6 W8LV CW 38 dB 28 WPM CQ 0058Z | 2024-11-03 00:58:16 |
RBN | DX de DF2CK-#: 14038.6 W8LV CW 11 dB 28 WPM CQ 0055 | 2024-11-03 00:55:38 |
RBN | DX de YO2CK-#: 14038.6 W8LV CW 10 dB 28 WPM CQ 0054Z | 2024-11-03 00:54:07 |
RBN | DX de N9CO-#: 14035.9 W8LV CW 41 dB 32 WPM CQ 2354Z | 2024-11-02 23:54:19 |
RBN | DX de HA8TKS-#: 14035.9 W8LV CW 4 dB 33 WPM CQ 2353Z | 2024-11-02 23:53:53 |
RBN | DX de K9LC-#: 14035.9 W8LV CW 8 dB 31 WPM CQ 2342Z | 2024-11-02 23:42:49 |
RBN | DX de K9IMM-#: 14035.9 W8LV CW 11 dB 32 WPM CQ 2341Z | 2024-11-02 23:41:47 |
RBN | DX de N6TV-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:28 |
RBN | DX de OK1HRA-#: 14049.9 W8LV CW 10 dB 13 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:25 |
RBN | DX de VE6WZ-#: 14049.9 W8LV CW 16 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:25 |
RBN | DX de S53WW-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 9 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:24 |
RBN | DX de PE5TT-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:14 |
RBN | DX de VE6JY-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 27 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:13 |
RBN | DX de W6YX-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 18 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:13 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:13 |
RBN | DX de NU4F-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 18 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:12 |
RBN | DX de CT1EYQ-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 16 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:11 |
RBN | DX de S53A-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 31 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:09 |
RBN | DX de NT6Q-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 22 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:09 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 23 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:09 |
RBN | DX de CR6K-#: 14049.9 W8LV CW 22 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:07 |
RBN | DX de F4GOU-#: 14050.1 W8LV CW 18 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:06 |
RBN | DX de DF2CK-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:05 |
RBN | DX de OE9GHV-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 16 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:05 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 18 dB 12 WPM CQ 0137Z | 2024-10-31 01:37:05 |
RBN | DX de IK4VET-#: 14155.0 W8LV CW 13 dB 12 WPM CQ 0136Z | 2024-10-31 01:36:04 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 14150.0 W8LV CW 10 dB 13 WPM CQ 0129Z | 2024-10-31 01:29:14 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14150.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 13 WPM CQ 0129Z | 2024-10-31 01:29:14 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14150.0 W8LV CW 18 dB 13 WPM CQ 0129Z | 2024-10-31 01:29:14 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 9 dB 13 WPM CQ 0126Z | 2024-10-31 01:26:48 |
RBN | DX de K7CO-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 8 dB 13 WPM CQ 0126Z | 2024-10-31 01:26:45 |
RBN | DX de HG0Y-#: 14060.1 W8LV CW 11 dB 12 WPM CQ 0108Z | 2024-10-31 01:08:37 |
RBN | DX de DF2CK-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 8 dB 13 WPM CQ 0108Z | 2024-10-31 01:08:14 |
RBN | DX de NU4F-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 8 dB 13 WPM CQ 0108Z | 2024-10-31 01:08:11 |
RBN | DX de OH6BG-#: 14065.0 W8LV CW 9 dB 12 WPM CQ 0753Z | 2024-09-23 07:53:40 |
RBN | DX de W6YX-#: 14065.0 W8LV CW 26 dB 12 WPM CQ 0753Z | 2024-09-23 07:53:40 |
RBN | DX de K6FOD-#: 14065.0 W8LV CW 13 dB 12 WPM CQ 0753Z | 2024-09-23 07:53:39 |
RBN | DX de NT6Q-#: 14065.0 W8LV CW 9 dB 12 WPM CQ 0753Z | 2024-09-23 07:53:38 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14065.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 13 WPM CQ 0753Z | 2024-09-23 07:53:38 |
RBN | DX de G4IRN-#: 14065.0 W8LV CW 24 dB 12 WPM CQ 0753Z | 2024-09-23 07:53:38 |
RBN | DX de DL8LAS-#: 14065.0 W8LV CW 7 dB 12 WPM CQ 0753Z | 2024-09-23 07:53:34 |
RBN | DX de G4IRN-#: 14059.9 W8LV CW 13 dB 12 WPM CQ 0750Z | 2024-09-23 07:50:44 |
RBN | DX de ZF1A-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 10 dB 11 WPM CQ 0750Z | 2024-09-23 07:50:43 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14060.0 W8LV/QRP CW 25 dB 11 WPM CQ 0744Z | 2024-09-23 07:44:26 |
RBN | DX de DL8LAS-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 22 dB 11 WPM CQ 0735Z | 2024-09-23 07:35:37 |
RBN | DX de K6FOD-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 9 dB 10 WPM CQ 0733Z | 2024-09-23 07:33:11 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 13 dB 11 WPM CQ 0733Z | 2024-09-23 07:33:06 |
RBN | DX de ZF1A-#: 14060.1 W8LV CW 8 dB 10 WPM CQ 0733Z | 2024-09-23 07:33:05 |
RBN | DX de DF2CK-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 10 WPM CQ 0733Z | 2024-09-23 07:33:01 |
RBN | DX de NT6Q-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 14 dB 10 WPM CQ 0733Z | 2024-09-23 07:33:00 |
RBN | DX de NT6Q-#: 14050.0 W8LV CW 18 dB 13 WPM CQ 0624Z | 2024-08-29 06:24:06 |
RBN | DX de NT6Q-#: 14060.7 W8LV CW 9 dB 14 WPM CQ 0603Z | 2024-08-29 06:03:06 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14060.7 W8LV CW 6 dB 12 WPM CQ 0602Z | 2024-08-29 06:02:39 |
RBN | DX de W6YX-#: 14060.7 W8LV CW 12 dB 13 WPM CQ 0602Z | 2024-08-29 06:02:38 |
RBN | DX de VE7CC-#: 14138.0 W8LV CW 6 dB 12 WPM CQ 0743Z | 2024-08-19 07:43:41 |
RBN | DX de K5TR-#: 14138.0 W8LV CW 24 dB 13 WPM CQ 0743Z | 2024-08-19 07:43:34 |
RBN | DX de W6YX-#: 14138.0 W8LV CW 5 dB 13 WPM CQ 0742Z | 2024-08-19 07:42:35 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 14138.0 W8LV CW 23 dB 13 WPM CQ 0742Z | 2024-08-19 07:42:30 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14138.0 W8LV CW 22 dB 13 WPM CQ 0742Z | 2024-08-19 07:42:30 |
RBN | DX de TI7W-#: 14138.0 W8LV CW 24 dB 13 WPM CQ 0742Z | 2024-08-19 07:42:25 |
RBN | DX de KO7SS-#: 14020.0 W8LV CW 22 dB 14 WPM CQ 0535Z | 2024-08-19 05:35:09 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 14020.0 W8LV CW 25 dB 14 WPM CQ 0535Z | 2024-08-19 05:35:07 |
RBN | DX de KP3CW-#: 14020.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 13 WPM CQ 0535Z | 2024-08-19 05:35:05 |
RBN | DX de DD5XX-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 6 dB 12 WPM CQ 0533Z | 2024-08-19 05:33:37 |
RBN | DX de DC8YZ-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 6 dB 12 WPM CQ 0533Z | 2024-08-19 05:33:34 |
RBN | DX de ND7K-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 17 dB 12 WPM CQ 0533Z | 2024-08-19 05:33:05 |
RBN | DX de VE6WZ-#: 14059.9 W8LV CW 18 dB 13 WPM CQ 0533Z | 2024-08-19 05:33:02 |
RBN | DX de W7VJ-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 5 dB 13 WPM CQ 0532Z | 2024-08-19 05:32:58 |
RBN | DX de WA7LNW-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 30 dB 12 WPM CQ 0532Z | 2024-08-19 05:32:19 |
RBN | DX de NT6Q-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 7 dB 12 WPM CQ 0532Z | 2024-08-19 05:32:04 |
RBN | DX de NG7M-#: 14060.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 13 WPM CQ 0531Z | 2024-08-19 05:31:51 |
RBN | DX de OK1HRA-#: 14045.9 W8LV CW 12 dB 32 WPM CQ 1924Z | 2024-06-19 19:24:39 |
RBN | DX de W1NT-2-#: 7019.0 W8LV CW 10 dB 26 WPM CQ 0811Z | 2024-06-13 08:11:43 |
RBN | DX de AA0O-#: 7027.2 W8LV CW 15 dB 26 WPM CQ 2342Z | 2024-05-10 23:42:21 |
RBN | DX de W8WWV-#: 7035.0 W8LV CW 13 dB 13 WPM CQ 1921Z | 2024-04-08 19:21:13 |
RBN | DX de K1RA-#: 7012.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 13 WPM CQ 1905Z | 2024-04-08 19:05:35 |
RBN | DX de WE9V-#: 7012.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 11 WPM CQ 1900Z | 2024-04-08 19:00:05 |
RBN | DX de K9IMM-#: 7012.0 W8LV CW 7 dB 14 WPM CQ 1855Z | 2024-04-08 18:55:44 |
RBN | DX de AA4VV-#: 7012.0 W8LV CW 24 dB 14 WPM CQ 1855Z | 2024-04-08 18:55:42 |
RBN | DX de K1RA-#: 7012.0 W8LV CW 12 dB 12 WPM CQ 1850Z | 2024-04-08 18:50:26 |
RBN | DX de K1RA-#: 7012.0 W8LV CW 11 dB 13 WPM CQ 1838Z | 2024-04-08 18:38:04 |