Name: | Ko |
QTH: | Mijdrecht |
Country: | Netherlands |
Grid: | JO22KE |
Web: |… |
Email: | Hidden |
Hidden | |
Hidden | |
Hidden | |
Netherlands | |
Licensed since: | Hidden |
Born: | Hidden |
ITU: | 27 |
CQ: | 14 |
QSL via: E-QSL
My name is Ko and SWL Since 1975 
My call NL9222 is paid for yearly, just like any other wanting to keep Hamradio alive.
Also Gold member EQSL and use a paid for subscription at QRZ for it's database.
Profession is sandblasting since 1991 and in my spare time i do shortwave listening,
Hambands only, some programming [Reverse engineering] and pc case modding.
From 1975 until 1985 i used to do RTTY and SSB... This would be boring in 2021.
From 1985 until 1995 i did SSTV only... Where have they all gone as most operators are still alive.
From 1995 until 2005 i did 73, 136, 440 and 472 KHz QRSS, CW and DFCW... Still can do.
From 2007 until present i listen every mode on 2, 4, 6 and 8 Meters and HF, Digital or Visual.
Currently i am playing with WSJT-Z, that's receiving with it and trying to make it look pretty
Have 2 Instances logging to one file using symlink, same goes for JTDX and FLDigi.
No need typing reports, just "the other station" Life is too short to type extra stuff
Reverse engineered Argo by I2PHD when bigger LCD Screens became available,
"it can't be done" they said so i made a bigger Argo to fit the newer LCD's 
Here's an Image of a resized Argo in 2005, Done with "Resource Hacker " 
Me and PA0OCD were also responsible for thinking of and testing more modes,
4 more speeds that is, in a program called WOLF by DL4YHF 
These programs and more can be found at my website.
This is WOLF 
Also watching JS8, WSPR, QRSS and SLOWSCAN TELEVISION simultaneously [SO5R]
Started with Robust Packet again, using WINRPR from SCS and need some more displays
Renovation of the house and a bit of the shack wich suffered some Bulletholes from missed DXCC
The antennas are still inside but i am preparing a Loop for HF, a Big Wheel for 2 meters and a Omni for 6 meter to go up soon 
Some unsorted photo's Taken in from left to right, Gibralter, Spain, Switzerland and Holland visiting
my Army place wich i don't miss at all but the food is great on the yearly "museum days"
Yep, i've been here, i,ve been there ..... So What
from left to right, Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Spain
more to come sometime soon 
73 Ko
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